

Our lab is physically located in the Biodesign Building B of Arizona State University’s Tempe Campus


Center for Fundamental and Applied Microbiomics
1001 S. McAllister Ave.
Tempe, AZ 85281

P.O. Box 876101
Tempe, AZ 85287-6101

Phone: 480-965-0183
Fax: 480-727-8305

Research on microbes and their communities

We study the nature, evolution, role, adaptations, and effects of microbes and the communities they build (microbiomes) in their natural habitats, which currently include arid soils, the marine intertidal, atmospheric dust and aerosols, and plant roots. We also keep an eye on the potential applicability of our findings. We are currently engaged in using them in areas such as restoration of degrades soils, predicting effects of climate change on important microbial processes and populations, improving crop production, and interpreting ecosystems from Earth’s distant past.

We use an interdisciplinary approach to answer questions and build knowledge, from traditional ecological and microbiological techniques to molecular biology and genetics, to (bio)chemistry and bioinformatics.

While the organisms of interest to our lab are primarily cyanobacteria, we are also interested in the other microbes that interact with them through mutualisms or pathogenesis.

Join Our Mission

To join our laboratory or to discuss any of our research topics, please write ferran@asu.edu or call (480) 727-7534